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Get your POS system without coding

Want to get your POS system, but you don't want to code? You can do that!

Fill up the form, that you can find here.

Make sure to use proper organization name and correct email address, since we will send you links for the platform by e-mail.

Furthermore, we will ask you to select the industry of your organization, by selecting the industry we will be able to provide you with a bunch of useful function for that sector.

You will also be able to select the theme's color of your platform e and upload your logo, but you can also customize those things on the admin panel.

After submitting the form, you will receive two links, one for the retailer panel and one for the admin panel.

To access the retailer panel, you have to register yourself.

But if you want to use the admin, you can just login with your email and the password you have received in the email.

Any questions? Please contact us.

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