Build your frontend fast in Bootstrap 5 HTML, VueJS, React, Angular & Laravel. Register to get a download.
Purchase management, Supplier management, Stock management, Settings
Customers, Employees, Statistics, Accounting settings, Exports and more.

Payment methods, Transactions, Repairs, Gift cards, Refunds, Quick buttons, Receipts and more.
Sales order creation, minimum order, realtime stock and sales insights, Work Offline.
We have created a documentation to guide you in customizing our platform, according to your needs, in a more advanced way.
Use these themes to quickly build the frontend of your own industry system. It is possible to apply your own CSS. Furthermore, 80% of the code can be modified anywhere. This gives you a head start, but the flexibility to optimize it to your own taste as well. The themes are made in Angular with Bootstrap 5 and HTML. In addition, the languages Vue.js, React and Laravel are supported in our 'micro world'.
The uneditable code is loaded externally through AWS Cloudfront. However, these functions are flexible to set up to your own needs. This way you automatically make use of all important updates and improvements that are made.
Finally, it is also possible to get an 'empty' build to start with. This is useful for creating your own frontend.
In addition, we offer a backend mini services structure. Using these paid API's makes it easy to set up your own platform. Furthermore, it is possible to integrate your own software. Last but not least, you can also add your own backend. View the API documentation via the button below.
For this you use our Cloud Hosted MongoDB Atlas Database. You get your own database per industry to set all the properties yourself. Developers don't get access to this, but do get 'read rights'. The big advantage of this database setup is that we offer all necessary functions, such as backups, database modification scripts and more.
Using our frontend app you can change/update all styling in your app. Styling will apply on all micro frontends aswell as the onces we're hosting. For our Angular app we're using the Metronic 8 theme which is by default included in the
retailer plan download.
Only show the functions which fit in your project by hiding some of them. You can add new micro frontends by using a remoteUrl.
Read more about our micro world.
Modify all frontend styling/functionality of product lists, exports (PDF/CSV), articlegroups. stocklists, stock corrections. Specific Retailgears core logic functions are available in the frontend but you can directly
use our API to build functions like the onces we offer (see point 4)
Our unique product information handling will allow you as an admin and your connected stores to :
maintain your own industry database with your custom properties, enrich anyone's shop products with a git-like approach (using the database), use CSV imports to update info, edit/create functions, update product info using API's,
We provide a default cash register which in 80% of the cases supports your industry perfectly. You are able to update the frontend using our cash register micro frontend available from the retailers plan.
You are able to fully modify and customise your cash register by getting access to all our cash registers backend code. This is a one-time investment which will save you months of work building a full scale certified cash register!
The cash register provided is equiped with a connection. Connect your own providers using our backend.
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Print hundereds of different receipts by using our integrated service for it. Look at this list to find all formats and functions.
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This function allows users to upload PDF files. Save your time by stocking up goods and put them on the webshop by using our central database into an automated process.
Our offline sales app is perfectly suitable for suppliers which have to maintain a dealernetwork. Share stocklists and saleslists and create purchase proposals without visiting the stores.
You can use, change and resell our complete solution whitelabel.
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