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Retail Sales and Customer Service

Learn everything about retail sales and customer service.

Network effect in retail sector and business
By George van Ekeren January 19, 2023
But how do you create a network effect in your retail business? And how can you become part of another network to get more value yourself. In this article we look at the best examples for the retail industry and would like to give practical advice.
Deal with online buyers in-store
By George van Ekeren December 27, 2022
Customers return products for a variety of reasons, and one of the most common ones is that they do not like the product. The customer might have bought it online and realised that it was not what they expected or they might have bought it from your store but realised that it didn’t fit well or was not what they wanted. Some customers might also be returning the product because it is defective or because it does not work as advertised.
Unified Commerce Ecosystem Example
By George van Ekeren July 12, 2022
Nowadays, an unified commerce ecosystem is the ultimate goal for any business. It means that the company has all the products and services it needs to offer customers. It also means that the company has a way to track, monitor, and optimize their marketing efforts.
12 Tips on How to Approach Customers in Retail
By George January 24, 2022
Importance of walk-in customer approach at your retail store The retail industry is not for the faint of heart. Competition is fierce, margins are razor-thin, and customer expectations are high. The key to success in retail is customer approach of store visitors. Customers are no longer satisfied with a one-time purchase experience. They want to… Read More »12 Tips on How to Approach Customers in Retail – Endearing Yourself to the Customer The post 12 Tips on How to Approach Customers in Retail – Endearing Yourself to the Customer appeared first on Retailgear.
Red gift wrapping idea
By George January 21, 2022
Valentine’s Day Ideas to create a perfect campaign for your shop The 14th of February is just around the corner and it’s time to start thinking about a great Valentine’s Day Campaign for your retail store. How to keep your customers happy and boost sales? There are plenty of ways that you can do this,… Read More »Fresh Ideas To Plan The Valentine’s Day Campaign for Your Retail Shop The post Fresh Ideas To Plan The Valentine’s Day Campaign for Your Retail Shop appeared first on Retailgear.
10 Examples On How Video Can Help Your Retail Store
By George January 16, 2022
Examples on how to use video in your retail shop The retail industry has been evolving at a rapid pace. Customers are becoming more demanding and want to feel valued. So how can retailers achieve this? The answer is video! Video is an excellent way of getting customer feedback and making them feel valued as… Read More »10 Examples On How Video Can Help Your Retail Store The post 10 Examples On How Video Can Help Your Retail Store appeared first on Retailgear.
Handle Difficult Customers
By George January 4, 2022
Dealing with difficult customers Did you know that I have been doing customer support for years? It is not always easy to to provide good service when facing a bad response or attitude. So keep your cool with these tips. Successful retailers don’t just sell products. Today, providing good service is what sets your store… Read More »Handle Difficult Customers To Create A Sales Opportunity The post Handle Difficult Customers To Create A Sales Opportunity appeared first on Retailgear.
consumer excuses it is to expensive
By George January 4, 2022
Five excuses from consumers not to buy and what the real reason is. Wondering how to improve yourself or your store staff in sales? Consumers often feel that they cannot trust sellers. That is why you are often confronted with excuses as to why they do not want to buy a certain expensive item. Bob… Read More »Turning Five Consumer Excuses Into A Sales Opportunity The post Turning Five Consumer Excuses Into A Sales Opportunity appeared first on Retailgear.
Contact customers outside the store
By George October 3, 2021
Keep in contact with your audience outside the shop Every business needs to keep in contact with their customers. Keeping in touch not only reinforces the relationship but also helps to show that you care. So, maintaining customer relationships is the key to success in any business, and it can be done through a variety… Read More »Tricks To Stay In Touch With Customers Outside The Store The post Tricks To Stay In Touch With Customers Outside The Store appeared first on Retailgear.
How Shopping By Appointment Improves Your Physical Store Experience
By George September 6, 2021
Many changes are happening in retail with the advent of digitization. This trend has only accelerated due to the lockdown in the years 2020 and 2021. As a result, several physical stores had to close temporarily. Shopping by appointment was the norm for a while. Or is it here to stay? Table of Contents: Why… Read More »How Shopping By Appointment Improves Your Physical Store Experience The post How Shopping By Appointment Improves Your Physical Store Experience appeared first on Retailgear.
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