We will explain how to create your own micro services through an example, keep in mind that you are free to use any other technology. Since we will use “PrismaNote Jewels and Watches (Micro-service)” as an example, for this particular backend micro service we need to use:
Make sure that Node and NPM are installed and their PATHS defined. As you installed the NodeJS, you can make sure that Node is installed properly by running the following command in a terminal: node -v, which should return a version number: v16.10.0; also make sure to choose and download the v5.0.14 version of MongoDB shell.
After the configuration and installation process, create a folder and name it whatever you want, in our case we are going to name it prismanote-jewel-and-watches-services. Within that folder you can add your custom logic, so develop what you need! We will just briefly explain what our folder contains:
After the creation of our micro service, the next step is to use it. To do this we simply need to configure it into the micro frontend project, where we want to use it. You can configure it any way you want.
In our case we want to use the jewels-and-watches micro service inside the jewels-and-watches microfrontend project, so we need to set our micro service in both environment files of our microfrontend, like so:
FILE: environment.ts
export const environment = {
production: false,
JEWELS_AND_WATCHES_URL :'http://localhost:3009',
FILE: environment.prod.ts
export const environment = {
production: true,
JEWELS_AND_WATCHES_URL :'http://localhost:3009',
So whenever we need to do an operation we can just simply call “environment.JEWELS_AND_WATCHES_URL” to have our base url of our microservice, to facilitate such operations we use apiService, which you can find in your main application folder, specifically by following this path: …\src\app\shared\service\api.service.ts.
You can copy and use such file for your API calls.
If you are going to use our apiService you will need to put your environment.SOME_URL inside the getApiBaseUrl(ApiType) function, and give it a ApiType (add that apiType in the type alias ApiType).
Notice that you are free to use any method to call your API.
For instance we need to call the get-organization API inside a function, which is located inside our app component, so the app.component.ts file will contain something like this:
import { ApiService } from './shared/service';
private apiService: ApiService,
) { }
this.apiService.getNew('organization', '/api/v1/public/get-organization').subscribe((result: any) => {
The getNew method, of the apiService, takes the first parameter to figure out the url base to be used, and it use the second parameter to complete the URL, after obteing the complete URL it then do the call. If the environment.ORGANIZATION_URL is localhost:4200 the complete URL will be: localhost:4200/api/v1/public/get-organization.
The apiService will be like:
import { environment } from '../../../environments/environment';
type ApiTypes = ...| 'organization' | ...
export class ApiService{
getApiBaseUrl(apiType: ApiTypes): any {
switch (apiType) {
case 'organization':
return environment.ORGANIZATION_URL;
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