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How to download Retailgear’s frontend repositories

You can access Retailgear’s full frontend repositories by making a one time payment of 80 €.

This will save you 2 years of coding and you will have 100% access to the frontend code of the system.

Create a free account on here

With this free trial account, you will not have access to the code, but you can customize a few parts of your platform, like your logo, using your admin panel.

You can purchase all retailgear's repositories by going to your admin panel ([YOUR_SUBDOMAIN], that you received in the email from us.

Login and go to the "Purchases page" and select retailgear repo's that you want to purchase.

After you succesfully purchased the repo's you can download retailgear’s repositories by clicking the “Developer downloads” button, which you can find on the dashboard of your admin panel. After clicking the button you will see a list of repositories you can access, besides those you will see a “Download” button.

View all possible downloads and pricing here

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