Create a fully white-labeled value network for the book industry. This concept is about automating the supply chain of the book industry, to create a self-sustaining system where all parties are automatically work together. With our value network every shop and supplier can save time and boost sales. For example, all retailers and wholesalers work in the same product database and use an easy websitebuilder to showcase their stock products online.
Get started
This PIM system is the foundation to connect each retailer with each other and to all book suppliers. Doing so would make the ordering process smoother and help all shops to manage their inventory better. So it saves the time with stock management and creating purchase orders. By building a value network, you will make it possible for everyone in the book industry, to collaborate on marketing and sales. This is the way for you to stand out from the competition, and provide additional value to your customers.
Save Time
Imagine how much time the publishing industry could save if suppliers make product details accessible with one click? We give you the tools needed to make your supply chain more efficient by streamlining the flow of items. For example, this system lets book stores show their products on a webshop automatically.
Earn More
As a book shop, we know how difficult it's to manage inventory and to buy new items. Therefore with our branche system, you can work closer with your wholesale suppliers. In this way you can sell products more easily and give customers the great experience they deserve.
Grow Faster
Bookstores are tired of difficult inventory management and complex promotion. By using software tools, you can receive operational efficiency from suppliers and marketing enhancement with no hassle.
Unparalleled value
No company wants to be a regional player that is constantly struggling for relevance and market share. However, the solution of Retailgear has made it simple for any company to become a regional player with one value network. Make sure you control your industry and offer unparalleled value.
Many internet retailers are offering a better customer experience than many physical retailers. Brick and mortar stores need to step up their game if they want to stay competitive. Digitizing the entire industry will allow stores to save on labor, offer more products from the convenience of home, and provide the customer with a personalized shopping experience.
Retailgear delivers the right mix of technologies to meet your customer needs. Easily connect all software to one central PIM system. Doing so will save time and work in the long run. For example, if you have a cash register, it can be connected to the platform. In this way the book shop is immediately connected to the central database and to his webshop. This can help book stores automate all their processes. Furthermore, it lets the industry work together for a better overall experience for customers.
Book stores can now save time and energy by using our software to manage their inventory. With a white label solution, you can provide it all under your own brand. In this way you can fully automate the book industry. Your retailers never have to worry about manually entering a single book again! Furthermore, this means you'll be able to offer additional services and boost your recurring income. Scale your business more easily and provide all solutions within one platform.
As a bookshop owner, it's important to work closely with suppliers and other related businesses. In this way you are able to focus more on the customer experience within your store. It will help you grow your business faster and make your customers happier. Contact us to find out how a branche solution can be the key to success for your industry.
Or you can read more about the purpose of a value network and discover the central product database features.
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