Create a value network for the electronics industry completely white label. Make it possible for electronics stores to collaborate together and with their suppliers. The concept is all about automating the supply chain of the electronics industry. This value network enables you to save time and boost sales.
Get started
With Retailgear you link all electronics stores to one central product database. Create more transparency in your industry and let every user save time. In addition, the retailer can automatically display its store stock online and share real-time data with its suppliers. This gives you a competitive edge in the future and the possibility to offer unparalleled value to your clients.
Save Time
Let the electronics industry save time by making product information from suppliers available with one click.
Earn More
Easily scale your business and recurring income by using our central database software for the electonics industry.
Grow Faster
Give suppliers the possibility to help their electronics shops with inventory management and product promotions.
Unparalleled value
There can only be one electronics network per region. Take the lead and stay ahead of the competition.
Digitizing the entire industry is necessary for the retailer to succeed. It will not only save time, but it will also allow the retail stores to compete with online resellers. Online resellers are able to provide cheaper prices for customers because they do not need to employ many employees and their storage facilities are often cheaper.
With Retailgear you can easily link your own software (like a cash register) to a central productdatabase. In this way you make it possible for your clients to easily work together. It is also possible to resell our whitelabel POS system for electronics shops . Furthermore, they can offer the consumer a better experience in collaboration with their suppliers.
Are your offering a software solution to electronics stores at the moment? It is easy to integrate this with our white-label solution. In this way, you can provide extra services and scale your business. Our team can support you by integrating it the right way.
For a future-proof retail store that sells electronics, it is important to work more closely with suppliers. Contact us now to discover the possibilities for your customers.
Or you can read more about the purpose of a value network and discover the central product database features.
You can use, change and resell our complete solution whitelabel.
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