Build your own network with existing butcheries and enjoy the best advantages. It's all white label, so you can concentrate on your business and boost your recurring income. Initial set up is easy and completely customizable. Retailgear is a place to connect all stores with their wholesalers and suppliers. Take inventory management, for example. It's a lot easier to manage your products when they're all in one place. So boost the effectiveness of the butchery industry's supply chain and let the complete industry collaborate on sales and marketing.
Get started
Connect all butchery to a central PIM System . The solution will enable retailers to display their inventory, maintain stock levels and receive instant updates from suppliers. Furthermore, it saves the time with stock management and creating purchase orders. Get everyone involved in the butchery industry with a single co-operating system. This is a way for you to stand out from the competition, and provide additional value to your customers.
Save Time
Imagine how much time the butchery industry could save if suppliers make product info accessible with one click. You'll have everything you need to streamline the workflow and make your supply chain more efficient. This app lets you get product information easily.
Earn More
Now more than ever, it's important to grow and scale your business as fast as you can. Our butcher industry software will help you do this by managing and growing your recurring income.
Grow Faster
Let butcheries and suppliers collaborate in one system. Together they can handle inventory and sales more effectively in one value network .
Unparalleled value
Only one network can dominate in a region. Make sure you control your regional area and stay on top of the game.
Help the meat industry maintain growth among retailers. You can do this by converting to digitized systems that are connected using one central database. In this way all butcheries work together to save time and costs. For example, in this way, every shop can automatically provide inventory and services on their website.
Retailgear allows you to easily connect systems, software and devices from all over the retail industry. Doing so will save time and work in the long run. For example, if you have a cash register, it can be connected to the platform. The butchery shop is immediately connected to the central database and to his webshop. This can help butcheries automate all their processes. Furthermore, it lets the industry work together and improve customer experience.
Our software is tailor-made for butchery, and you can use the white-label feature to integrate your butcher's store in our database. It'll become a fully automated meat industry! This means you'll be able to offer additional services that are all stored in the same platform, and your business will be able to scale more easily.
To remain competitive, it's essential for butcheries to work closely with suppliers. We can help you provide the best customer experience in your industry by connecting all shops and suppliers in the meat industry. Contact us now and find out more.
Or you can read more about the purpose of a value network and discover the central product database features.
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