The steps to run your platform on your machine are very easy!
If you want to get the bitbucket access, thus to the updated code, contact us!
Set up a workspace, by creating a directory for your project, inside that create another folder, to contain frontend code, and name it whatever you want, e.g. frontend. So you will have for example:
Make sure that your environment is properly configured, to run our platoform on your machine you need:
If you don’t have access to git, in order to run the platform on your local machine, you will have to download these 3 folders from the admin dashboard:
Save and extract the content of those folders inside your workspace, and after that you will have to run it. Open the terminal within each folder and first do yarn install then ng serve.
If you have access to git, open the terminal within the folder you have created and execute the following command (replace [ACCOUNT_NAME] with the one you will receive from us):
git clone https://[ACCOUNT_NAME]
Then you will have to create a new branch and switch to that branch, like this:
git checkout -b [YOUR_PROJECT_NAME]-app-main-v1
Do yarn install within the repository folder, before running it go to the /src/app/app.component.ts file at line 142, and place your organization subdomain in the yourdomain variable. After putting your subdomain, save it and run it with ng serve and go to http://localhost:4202/ in your browser.
Login with your retailer credentials, now in order to use the cash register, you will need to download the retailgear-app-cashregister-v1, do yarn install, ng serve and check on which port it is running. You will need to make sure that the webpack.config.js file is properly configured, check on the localhost port, it should be something like this:
"till": "till@http://localhost:4200/till.js",
"tillSettings": "tillSettings@http://localhost:4200/till-settings.js",
Be sure to use the right port! Now, if you want to make some customization, just edit the file, save it and refresh the page, and you will be able to see your changes!
Since we keep improving our code, you will probably want to update your development branch with the latest version of the code, so you will need to pull from master-r, and this will most likely cause merge-conflicts.
We want you to avoid merge conflicts as much as possible. So here is a
advice; if for instance you want to make changes to an existing function and those changes comprise more than 60% of the function, you can ease your life…by copying and commenting the original function, then do changes on the copied one. By doing that, in case the retailgear team has improved the original function, you will be notified on the merge conflict, but it will be very easy to resolve it and will have no impact on your own code.
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